It means that we are committed to raising animals the way God intended. When we use the term "Pasture-Raised" this is what it means to us...
1. Seasonality. We raise animals when the grass is growing, from early spring to mid-fall. We buy piglets and chicks in the spring and only keep cattle through the cold winter. This gives our pastures and our bodies a time to rest.
2. Transparency. We want you to eat with confidence, not ignorance. Knowing where your food comes from can be difference between buying with confidence and buying expensive foods out of fear. We are committed to creating a trusting relationship between our farm and your family.
3. Ecosystems. Creating ecosystems means building diversity and a habitat where multiple species can co-exist in a mutualistic relationship. We measure our success by our soil. A powerful ecosystem builds soil as a foundation for growth and life. Healthier soil = Healthier food!
4. Scale. It is often the true revealer between a good idea and a bad one. That being said we teach, help, or support anyone with desire to practice pasture-based, ecological farming because we believe it is the future of agriculture.
We want to to do more than just feed our community. We want to inspire change in the world of animal agriculture. Our aspirations are to show the world just how important our fellow counterparts are to the ecosystem we call earth.